Saturday, 9 August 2008

we ended up at skidby: 29.07.08

Stuck at the lights at Chants Ave: gave everyone
a chance to reassemble as a group (and themselves)

Oh what a fine night: setting off at 7.15pm from Pearson Park we had 13 people turn up. Two people came just to say they were full of cold and wanted to come but couldn't!

I arrived with my chips and gravy carefully balanced in my shopping basket; another arrived and then dashed off to collect a tandem and ride with one of the guys from Beech Holme; 2 came from East Hull... fantastic. I think there were about 9 new riders on a crazy range of bikes: from their teenage mountain bike to a Pashley sit-up-and-beg doo-dah.

Not knowing where to head for, a number of suggestions were banded about so by the time the last person turned up we knew we were aiming for Skidby: the Half Moon pub awaited about 5 miles away.

...And then we got there. Hurrah for shandy -
sweet, refreshing and doesn't make you
wobble or lose your energy so
you feel like a lump of lard.

a turn in control and a turn in trusting the front rider...
Hmm, nearly forgot.... on the way home, riding down the cycle path that cuts out the full length of Priory Road and comes out on Spring Bank West, we were joined by 2 youngish lads.
'What are you doin'?'
''Cos we want to'
'Oh. What charity are you doin' it for?'
*puzzled pause* 'It's not for charity - we're just having a bike ride.'
*puzzled look*
'It's for fun.'

some pictures of cycling - make a comment and add your own

enjoying the shakeyness of images by bike
(York Rally: June 2008)

long straight roads + big skies
(round by Paull with Beech Holme Tandemists: late July 08)

We didn't used to go in a car to the race, we would
cycle to wherever it was, and then do the race.
(cycling round Walkington area:
late August 2007)

determined not to be squashed by a tram
(cycling in Prague: late July 2008)

cycling in Prague is not having a revolution
just yet... but it could do...
(apologies to the artist: a very large painting
in the Kampa Museum in Prague, late July 2008)

midnight ride 05.07.08: Humber Bridge

Well. Time to catch up. Our second ride was to the Humber Bridge, setting off at 11.30pm, on a slightly drizzly evening. Five of us showed on the large ramp to St. Stephens: the more concerned of us dazzling in our rave attire.
We took the back streets and cycle paths up to Hessle where we whipped and walked up Hull's version of K2 (that's saying a lot) to the Humber Bridge. From there we took a few turns past some HE-UGE houses, through the darkness of a meadow, and arrived in the Humber Bridge car park. Then up onto the top of the bridge. Well, not on the actual top (300 feet up perched on top of a breezy tower), but on the cycle path that joins red and yellow bellys (how could that not be mentioned?).
A bottle of pop was consumed at the other side once we had touched ground and climbed back up to the flat where the concrete stays are. A photograph taken, a munch of chocolate and we were back on our way: this time on the east side of the bridge. You see, at half past twelve at night there are limited toilet facilities available and so time was of the essence for some of us.

Having been very busy during the week prior to this ride, I remember saying to one of the riders about how it felt a bit surreal and I didn't feel like I was experiencing the actual ride - more like I was riding in a tunnel. Sometimes it can be like that: you've been so focused prior to riding that it can take a good cycle to become human again and really relax. Can't say I felt that relaxed though when I got home at 2.30am. A different kind of relaxed maybe...
We cycled back via Boothferry Road (well done Grandad) and split at Walton Street after some crazy stunts from some foolhardy owls. Of course, I nearly forgot the cheesy chips in Hessle Square...

'We are cyclists' said an owl (cue bemused look from swaying man)

We have lights... we are midnight cyclists...